Part 4: Updates 16-20
Update 16
We are unstoppable now!
Lets head back to base.
Aww, our CO is just beaming with pride.
*later that evening*

Update 17
We're about to start the briefing for the next mission. Apparantly, we'll be flying Gunboats today. Hooray shields!
Oh, and Slippy has been pretty upset ever since Fox "disappeared". Here's Steve trying to console him.
MasterGrazzt posted:
you really should sneak those corpses aboard your ship on your next mission and jettison them before someone finds out
Fine thinking soldier! I'll have to find some way to sneak them aboard the Gunboat without being caught.

Anyway, here's the mission briefing:
"Initially, we were going to let Team Starfox handle this one, but since Fox has gone missing, we're putting you in charge. Your wingmen will be Peppy and Slippy, in their Arwings."
"You three will hyperspace into this sector, where we believe a secret deal is going on between the Rebels and a mysterious third party. We think the rebels maybe trying to get some new technology."
"You must disable the shuttles Lamda and LOLmda. When you do this, the Great Fox will hyper in to release Tug Deco who will retrieve the disabled craft."
"If the new technology turns out to be Mag Pulse, just give it back. Jesus, that stuff's useless."
That sounds easy enough. You guys come up with a game plan, I gotta sign out for now

Update 18
Let's get going!Engaging the hyper drive system.
its purdy

Peppy started saying something about it being too quiet, but I interrupted him to tell him to engage the Z-95s with a little "Shift-A" action. I have more important things to attend to, like avoid a court martial.
While everyone else is busy, I'll just jettison these...
Oh well, eat space laser, bitch

Update 19
deadpan posted:
Forget Slippy, your sensor in the bottom right is picking up some dank nugz. Hunt down and smoke that shit!
That must be that contraband all these rebels are getting their hands on!
Shiver posted:
Whip out those Ion cannons and disable Slippy's Arwing. We can just kinda leave him there after the mission is over.
Sounds like a plan. Peppy is still busy with the remaining Z-95s (z95s rofl). I guess his eye sight is bad if he can't deal with those things.

Anyway, back to the mission. I went ahead and inspected the shuttles, and it turns out that it was just T-Shirts for the new Mag Pulse technology.
But I'm starting to get a little nervous. What if the rabbit saw me? What if he knows? ...what if he had an accident?
Then I thought, what if it was finally a good time to put the tractor beam to good use?

Well, lets head back to base.
I noticed it took Steve sometime to return, even though technically he didn't even have to enter the mission.
Update 20
Vermilion posted:
Follow him but use a disguise
Disguise completed

What I actually found horrified me...